7th heaven house
7th heaven house

  1. #7th heaven house series#
  2. #7th heaven house tv#

#7th heaven house tv#

The show came at the very end of an era of TV produced by Aaron Spelling. They laugh so hard whenever they see it.” Though that’s just because they like making fun of the way my hair looks or the clothes I was wearing. That’s probably one of the reasons why people responded to it and still have the same love for it. "I don’t think I understood it at the time, but as I’ve gotten older and more mature, I’ve really grown to be pretty proud of what we did.” For being a family drama, we were getting into bigger issues more than other shows, and doing it in the best way we could as a family show. We knew that some of the content was really cutting-edge for what the show was. “I think at the time it was such a blur when we were doing it. Now that you’re older and have a family of your own, when you look back, are there things you’re surprised the show tackled?

7th heaven house

The show didn’t shy away from dealing with big issues that families face. I’m so glad you’re re-watching the show and its bringing back hopefully good memories for you!' All that still happens.” She was like, 'Are you really Barry Watson?' I was like, 'Yeah, I am, and this is my hometown. A young woman, I guess she was maybe 19 or 20 years old, was like, 'I used to watch you so much, and I’m re-watching everything now.' She was so excited about it. “I just got back from a trip to my hometown in northern Michigan, and I was at a little place there. I think there’s been a time when people weren’t talking about it as much, but it seems like, with everything that’s going on in the world nowadays, it somehow has had a little resurgence.” Do you hear from 7th Heaven fans a lot? Do you run into people who want to talk to you about it? We caught up with Watson over the phone shortly after he got an email from Beverley Mitchell, who played Lucy Camden-Kinkirk, trying to organize a dinner for some of the cast to celebrate the anniversary.ĭoes it surprise you that we’re still talking about 7th Heaven? Refinery29 talked to the eldest of the Camden sons, Matt, otherwise known as Barry Watson, about the show, its somewhat radical approach, and what it was like living in the Aaron Spelling universe.

7th heaven house

So let’s crank up the way-back machine, peg our jeans, and dive headfirst into some 7th Heaven history.

#7th heaven house series#

There is no doubt that the series had a strong point of view and took on tough issues.Įven though it ran for 11 seasons (the finale aired in 2007), the show holds a permanent spot in many of our hearts. The Camdens were a very conventional TV family, headed up by a minister, no less, but the show struck a particular cord with viewers. 7th Heaven focused on an entirely different type of family than those introduced in Martin’s epic series.

7th heaven house

Bill Clinton was in the White House, the Olympics were winding down in Atlanta, and A Game of Thrones by George R. This week marks 20 years since 7th Heaven premiered on August 26, 1996.

7th heaven house